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eCommerce Development Company Chicago

Empowering Chicago Businesses with eCommerce Expertise

BIT Studios is a leading eCommerce development company Chicago companies trust. With a stellar record in custom software development for diverse eCommerce platforms, we ensure your business stands out by aligning our expertise with your unique requirements.

eCommerce Development Company Chicago

BIT Studios eCommerce Development Solutions

Discover our variety of expert eCommerce development services. At BIT Studios, we build solutions tailored to elevate your online presence and drive digital success.

Application Modernization

Chicago eCommerce Development Services

BIT Studios offers these unparalleled Chicago eCommerce development services that ensure your local businesses flourish in the digital marketplace.

  • eCommerce Technology Consulting
  • Multi-Vendor eCommerce Platform Development
  • Mobile Commerce App Development
  • SaaS eCommerce Solutions
  • B2B and B2C Marketplace Development
Regulatory Compliance Reporting

eCommerce Web Solutions Chicago

Elevate your online presence with these customized eCommerce web solutions designed exclusively for Chicago businesses.

  • eCommerce Site Migration
  • eCommerce Data Migration
  • eCommerce Platform Upgrade
Back-End Testing

Chicago eCommerce Integration Solutions

We integrate different systems, ensuring streamlined eCommerce integration for enhanced user experiences.

  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • eCommerce Platform Integration
  • Omni Channel eCommerce Solutions
Web Application Support and Maintenance

Chicago eCommerce Management and Support

At Chicago IL, our dedicated team provides impeccable management and support to maximize your eCommerce potential.

  • End-to-End eCommerce Management
  • eCommerce Support and Maintenance
  • Plugin and Extension Management
Stress Test Support

Chicago eCommerce Optimization Services

These eCommerce development services prioritize performance, enhancing your site’s speed, usability, and conversion rates.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization eCommerce
  • eCommerce Search Engine Optimization
  • eCommerce Website Optimization
Animation and Interactive Design

Chicago Advanced eCommerce Solutions

Dive deep into the next-level eCommerce possibilities with our advanced solutions, pushing boundaries and driving results.

  • AI-Powered Chatbot
  • Augmented Reality in eCommerce
  • AI-Powered eCommerce Search Solutions

Need experts for your eCommerce development project?

Turn your online retail ideas into reality with our eCommerce Development Chicago.

Our Digital Shelf: Expertise in Multiple eCommerce Platforms

At BIT Studios, our eCommerce development expertise spans diverse platforms, ensuring tailored solutions for every digital storefront need.

Automotive Mobile


At BIT Studios, we harness Shopify’s robust features to craft seamless online storefronts tailored for diverse business niches.


Optimizely B2B Commerce (Formerly Episerver)

Leveraging Optimizely’s dynamic capabilities, we deliver tailored B2B commerce solutions to meet the intricate needs of modern businesses.


Adobe Commerce

Utilizing Adobe’s extensive toolkit, we build high-performance, visually striking eCommerce sites that captivate audiences.


Sitecore Commerce

BIT Studios taps into Sitecore’s rich personalization features, ensuring every customer journey is unique and engaging.


Oracle Commerce Cloud

BIT Studios crafts scalable and agile online stores using Oracle’s cloud-based solutions, ensuring enterprise-level performance.

Custom Web Development

Sitefinity Commerce

With Sitefinity, we provide businesses with a holistic eCommerce experience, intertwining content with commerce seamlessly.


SAP Commerce Cloud

Tapping into SAP’s robust infrastructure, we deliver eCommerce development solutions that streamline operations and boost business growth.


Salesforce Commerce Cloud

By harnessing Salesforce’s cloud capabilities, BIT Studios ensures a unified and enhanced shopping experience across all channels.

Application Platforms


BIT Studios employs BigCommerce to provide clients with scalable and customizable online selling solutions that resonate with their brand voice.



Leveraging OpenCart’s open-source flexibility, we build bespoke online stores that are both feature-rich and user-friendly.



With WooCommerce, BIT Studios transforms WordPress sites into powerful eCommerce platforms, ensuring a blend of content-rich experiences with online commerce.

Why Chicago’s Leading Brands Trust BIT Studios eCommerce Services

In the competitive eCommerce Chicago landscape, BIT Studios stands out for its expertise and innovation. Discover why we are the preferred choice for businesses seeking eCommerce excellence.

CalendarLeading eCommerce Development Company
Skyscraper100+ Enterprise Projects Completed
Star4.9 Rating on Clutch
PuzzleCost-Effective, Risk-Free Process
BookTrusted by Fortune 500 and Startups

Digital Masterpieces: BIT Studios’ eCommerce Development Portfolio

View More Projects

BIT Studios in the Limelight: Our Awards & Recognitions

Texas Top Flutter Developers Award - BIT Studios


Top Flutter Developers

Top Software Testing Companies In USA 2023 - BIT Studios Award

Superb Companies

Top Software Testing Companies in USA

Dallas Top Python and Django Developers - BIT Studios Award


Top Python and Django Developers

Web Excellence Awards - BIT Studios

Web Excellence Awards

Excellence Award

Gold Winner - Best Website - BIT Studios Award

w3 Awards

Gold Winner

Top Web Developers Award - BIT Studios


Promising 500 Web Development Companies

The Communicator Awards - 28th Annual Digital Excellence Award - BIT Studios

The Communicator Awards

Awards of Excellence


w3 Award

Inc 5000

Inc. 5000


The Manifest

Voices of Validation: Client Testimonials for BIT Studios

BIT Studios eCommerce Development Methodologies

As a premier eCommerce development company, BIT Studios understands the dynamic nature of the online market. Over the years, we’ve honed a set of methodologies tailored to ensure success in our eCommerce development services. Here’s an insight into our approaches:

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

With RAD, we quickly design and refine prototypes for eCommerce platforms, emphasizing swift changes based on client feedback.

  • Accelerates the launch of eCommerce stores
  • Enables rapid adjustments to market demands or client preferences
  • Facilitates iterative refinement, ensuring optimal user experience
Consistency Dashed-dotted Icon

Agile Development

Agile allows our eCommerce development team to work collaboratively, delivering features in increments and adapting to evolving requirements.

  • Enhances adaptability to the ever-changing eCommerce landscape
  • Ensures a functional eCommerce platform at every stage of development
  • Facilitates continuous feedback, driving user-centric designs and features


Kanban is a visual tool that assists our eCommerce developers Chicago in tracking and optimizing workflow stages, from design to deployment.

  • Provides a clear visual overview of eCommerce development progress
  • Optimizes efficiency, minimizing delays in getting to market
  • Streamlines task management, ensuring timely delivery of features
Time & Materials


For eCommerce projects with well-defined specifications, the Waterfall methodology offers a systematic and linear approach to development.

  • Ensures clarity and consistency in delivering eCommerce solutions
  • Offers predictable timelines, simplifying project management
  • Ideal for projects where the eCommerce specifications are evident from the outset

Step-by-Step: Our Comprehensive eCommerce Process

Dive into our custom eCommerce development process, meticulously designed to adapt to various project methodologies. Our approach ensures flexibility, aligning seamlessly with the unique needs and dynamics of each project.


Consultation & Strategy

We begin by understanding your business goals, target audience, and market positioning. With tailored eCommerce consulting, Chicago businesses ensure their online store aligns with your vision and industry standards.


Web Design & User Experience

Our web design services team creates a visually appealing and user-centric design for your eCommerce platform. It ensures an intuitive shopping experience for your users, encouraging higher conversions and customer retention.


Development & Integration

At this stage, our eCommerce development services come into play. Our eCommerce development company build a robust, scalable, and feature-rich online store, integrating it with essential tools, payment gateways, and third-party systems.


Social Media Marketing Integration

To boost your online presence and drive traffic, we integrate your eCommerce platform with key social media channels. It paves the way for effective social media marketing campaigns, helping you tap into a wider audience and amplify sales.


Testing & Quality Assurance

Before launching, we conduct rigorous testing to ensure every feature functions flawlessly. From shopping cart functionalities to checkout processes, we provide a glitch-free shopping experience for your users.


Launch & Continuous Support

Once everything is in place, we will launch your eCommerce store. But our partnership doesn’t end there. We offer continuous support to ensure your platform remains up-to-date, secure, and efficient.

Empowering eCommerce: Collaboration Approaches at BIT Studios

Discover the diverse collaboration approaches at BIT Studios, tailored to ensure the success of your eCommerce development journey.

Powering Digital Commerce: Our eCommerce Tech Tools Expertise

Mobile Development Programming Languages

Objective-C 1


This is the primary language used for Apple’s macOS and iOS operating systems, ensuring robust performance for native applications.



Introduced by Apple, Swift offers a more intuitive and modern take on iOS and macOS application development.

Java is a cross-platform language


A cornerstone for Android app development, Java offers flexibility with an extensive set of libraries and tools.

Kotlin is a cross-platform, high-level programming language with type inference


Kotlin emerges as a modern, expressive, and concise language for Android, enhancing development efficiency and safety.



Leveraged for cross-platform mobile development, C# with Xamarin provides a native feel across multiple platforms.

HTML is the standard language for structuring web content


This markup language allows the creation of rich, mobile-friendly web applications and interfaces.



An essential styling sheet language, CSS enables developers to craft visually engaging mobile web layouts.

JavaScript is a cornerstone of web technologies and essential for creating interactive, dynamic web applications


Central to mobile web interactivity, JavaScript provides dynamic functionalities to mobile web apps.

Environments and Frameworks

The iOS SDK is a free download for users of Macintosh (or Mac) personal computers.


Apple’s Software Development Kit equips developers with tools and interfaces to create iOS applications.



Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE), offering tools for iOS and macOS app creation.

Cocoa Touch is the application development environment for building software programs to run on iOS for the iPhone and iPod Touch, iPadOS for the iPad, watchOS for the Apple Watch, and tvOS for the Apple TV, from Apple Inc.

iOS Cocoa Touch

A UI framework for creating intuitive, touch-based iOS applications.

Android Studio

Android Studio

Google’s official IDE for Android development, packed with features to enhance the app-building process.



An open-source IDE widely recognized for its utility in Java application development.

IntelliJ IDEA


Renowned for its efficiency, this IDE supports multiple programming languages and frameworks.

Xamarin, a cross-platform development tool, allows code sharing across iOS and Android,


Enables C# developers to write native Android, iOS, and Windows apps with a shared codebase.

Cordova provides a platform for building native mobile apps


A platform for building native mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, emphasizing cross-platform compatibility.

React Native

React Native

Developed by Facebook, this framework allows the creation of native apps for both Android and iOS using a single JavaScript codebase.



Google’s UI toolkit, facilitating the crafting of natively compiled applications from a single code base.



A complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Progressive Web Apps


Progressive Web Apps merge the best web and mobile apps, delivering a native-app feel in a web experience.

Web Front-End

HTML is the standard language for structuring web content


A cornerstone for the modern web, HTML5 provides structures and presents content on the internet.



Cascading Style Sheets dictate how HTML elements should appear, ensuring visually appealing designs.

JavaScript is a cornerstone of web technologies and essential for creating interactive, dynamic web applications


Essential for dynamic web interactions, JavaScript provides interactivity to web pages.



A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications.

Angular is a robust framework for building scalable, high-performance web apps with user-friendly interfaces


A robust framework for building dynamic web applications with a rich set of features.



Renowned for its simplicity, Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.



A robust framework for ambitious web applications, offering a rich set of tools for developers.



A full-stack JavaScript platform, Meteor streamlines web and mobile application development.



A React framework, Next.js offers server-side rendering and generates static websites for React-based web applications.

Back-End Programming Languages

Microsoft.net is a versatile framework


A versatile platform for building various applications, from web to mobile to Windows-based.

Java is a cross-platform language


With portability and scalability, Java is the backbone for many backend systems and applications.

Python is a versatile, readable language perfect for web development, automation, and machine learning tasks


Known for its simplicity, Python is widely used for web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.

Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that excels in building fast, scalable network applications


This JavaScript runtime enables scalable and fast back-end development for web applications.

Php is a flexible and straightforward scripting language widely used in web development


A server-side scripting language, PHP is especially suited for web development, offering speed and reliability.



With concurrency mechanisms and efficiency, Go (or Golang) is emerging as a preferred choice for backend services.

Quality Assurance



Apple’s beta testing tool allows for seamless app distribution and feedback collection.



An end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps, enhancing their reliability.

EarlGrey is a native iOS UI automation test framework that enables you to write clear, concise tests.

Earl Gray

Google’s native iOS UI automation test framework, ensuring app responsiveness and reliability.



It is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native apps, emphasizing user experience.

Selenium is an open source umbrella project for a range of tools and libraries aimed at supporting browser automation


A staple for web application testing, Selenium supports multiple browsers and languages.



An open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS and Android platforms.



Apple’s testing framework for iOS, ensuring robust application performance.



Widely recognized for its usability, Ranorex offers comprehensive software testing.

Postman is an enterprise API platform for developers


Streamlines API testing, ensuring backend services work harmoniously.

The Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. It is developed and maintained by a community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.


An Apache project, JMeter analyzes and measures the performance of various services.

Unified Functional Testing

Unified Functional Testing

An HP tool that provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and environments.

eCommerce Platforms

Adobe Commerce delivers a flexible, scalable e-commerce platform

Adobe Commerce

Formerly Magento, Adobe Commerce delivers a flexible, cloud-based solution for eCommerce businesses.

Shopify is a top-tier platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems.


A leading eCommerce platform, Shopify offers businesses a seamless way to set up and manage their online store.

BigCommerce - An ecommerce platform enabling businesses to build, operate, and scale online stores effectively across various channels.


Tailored for scalability, BigCommerce provides various tools to enhance online sales.

Salesforce, a world-leading CRM platform

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Part of the Salesforce ecosystem, this cloud-based platform offers a unified experience across all commerce channels.

SAP Hybris delivers omnichannel commerce software for B2C and B2B sectors.

SAP Hybris

Renowned for its flexibility, SAP Hybris offers B2B and B2C commerce solutions.

Oracle Cloud

Oracle Commerce Cloud

Combining AI and cloud, this platform provides tailored commerce solutions, driving innovation and growth for businesses.



A customizable, open-source platform built on WordPress, WooCommerce gives businesses control to sell anything, anywhere.


Dynamicweb is a leading software company developing products that help you grow and optimize your online business.


An all-in-one platform, DynamicWeb integrates eCommerce, CMS, and marketing capabilities for a unified digital experience.



As the world’s most popular CMS, WordPress offers flexibility and a vast ecosystem of plugins for website creation and management.

Drupal is a free and open-source web content management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License.


Known for its robustness and scalability, Drupal is a preferred CMS for complex, high-traffic sites.

Joomla, also spelled Joomla! and sometimes abbreviated as J!, is a free and open-source content management system for publishing web content on websites.


Offering extensive features out-of-the-box, Joomla enables the creation of sophisticated websites easily.



A premium platform, Sitecore combines content management with digital marketing capabilities, driving personalized experiences.

Adobe Experience Manager: This platform offers a comprehensive content management solution.

Adobe Experience Manager

Part of Adobe’s Marketing Cloud, this comprehensive CMS solution enables brands to build and manage dynamic websites.


Microsoft Dynamics is a set of robust business applications

Dynamic 365

From Microsoft, this suite of business applications combines CRM and ERP capabilities, enhancing business operations and customer relations.

Salesforce, a world-leading CRM platform


A cloud-based solution, Salesforce stands as a leading CRM platform, streamlining sales, service, and marketing processes.

Zendesk, Inc. is a Danish-American company headquartered in San Francisco, California. It provides software-as-a-service products related to customer support, sales, and other customer communications.


Focused on customer service, Zendesk offers tools to improve customer relationships and enhance support experiences.



A comprehensive platform, Hubspot integrates marketing, sales, and service tools to help businesses grow and nurture customer relationships.