Yumapos Portfolio Background

Point of Sale + eCommerce + Delivery

A full-service solution for stores and cafes.
web & software development
mobile app development
web design
software & qa testing
Portfolio Services 2
Our client wanted to build a fully integrated all‑in‑one POS system for stores, cafes, and restaurants of all sizes across all sectors. They wanted to include easy and instant eCommerce and integrate with several delivery platforms.
Portfolio Services 3
Customer mobile application: iOS and Android native versions
POS terminal software: C#, WPF, .Net 4.5
Back Office web application: C#, AsgularJS, .Net Asp.net Web API, HTML/CSS, typescript
Portfolio Services 4
We built a revolutionary cloud-based POS system suitable for cafes, restaurants, pubs, clubs, bars & retail with multi-store functions, remote reporting, and full integration, consisting of:

– Customer mobile application for iOS and Android
– eCommerce stores, locations, and delivery
– POS terminal software with rich functionality
– Back Office web application, a secure portal for administration of all back‑end controls including stores/restaurants management, item and price editing, inventory control, loyalty schemes, staff management, and employee access level management.
Check Out a Few Project Screens Below
Yumapos Mobile Dashboard
Yumapos Mobile Checkout View
Yumapos Mobile Payment View
Yumapos Sales Revolutions Dashboard
Yumapos Sales Revolutions Costumers List
Yumapos Sales Revolutions Transactions
Yumapos Mobile Login View
Yumapos Mobile Search Items View
Yumapos Mobile Payment Dashboard View
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