Web and Software Development for Flinn Scientific

Custom Enterprise eCommerce Development

Episerver eCommerce Solution in the Science & Education Industry
Episerver Ecommerce Development
Web & Software Development
Web Design
Quality Assurance & Testing
Portfolio Services 1
Flinn Scientific is the leading supplier to science educators across North America. At Flinn, science teachers will find all the necessary chemicals for their academic chemistry labs and activities.
Portfolio Services 2
Flinn Scientific was looking to upgrade its aging eCommerce site with goals to increase sales and engagement, streamline management and look to the future.
Portfolio Services 3
Back-end: Episerver CMS, Episerver Commerce, EpiFind, ASP.NET MVC/WebApi, C#, MSSQL Server, Entity Framework, Automapper, Authorize.NET
Front-end: React.js, jQuery.js, HTML5/CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Gulp
Portfolio Services 4
We helped Flinn select the best eCommerce platform for their needs. We then took Flinn through our UX first process and delivered the new eCommerce site on time and within budget. We continue to support Flinn today.
Flinn Scientific
Check Out a Few Project Screens Below
Flinn Scientific Order Checkout 2
Flinn Scientific Order Checkout
Flinn Scientific Shopping Cart
Flinn Scientific User Page
Flinn Scientific Mobile App Overview
Flinn Scientific Mobile App Overview 2
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