Website Development for S&S Truck Parts LLC

Episerver B2B Truck Parts Ecommerce

From start to launch in 4 months
Episerver Ecommerce Development
Web & Software Development
Web Design
Quality Assurance & Testing
Portfolio Services 1
S&S Truck Parts, LLC., is one of the world’s largest independent distributors of new aftermarket truck parts. S&S serves OEMs, truck dealerships, and independent warehouse distributors.
Portfolio Services 2
SnS Truck Parts was looking for a professional Episerver Ecommerce development team to custom build and launch their B2B eCommerce parts portal within 4 months.
Portfolio Services 3
Back-end: Episerver CMS, Episerver Commerce, EpiFind, ASP.NET MVC/WebApi, C#, MSSQL Server, Entity Framework, Automapper, Chase Payments.
Front-end: Knockout.js, jQuery.js, HTML5/CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Gulp.
Portfolio Services 4
We partnered with SnS’ marketing agency out of the United Kingdom, quickly started putting things into our UX first process, and assigned some of our top Episerver team members to their project. We were able to successfully launch the SnS eCommerce site on time.
Check out a Few Project Screens Below
S&S Truck Parts LLC Product Page
S&S Truck Parts LLC Website Pop-up Window
S&S Truck Parts LLC Category Page
S&S Truck Parts LLC Specials Page
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