Maximizing ROI through Strategic Regression Testing

Jeffery Thompson
Innovative Leader in Custom Software Solutions: Jeffery Thompson, Founder of BIT Studios
Quality Assurance (QA)
15 min read
Published: Feb 21, 2023
Updated: Feb 21, 2023
strategic regression testing - testers working on ensuring quality assurance

As a business owner, you always look for ways to increase your ROI. One way to do this is through strategic regression testing. This type of testing can help you identify and fix problems with your website that may be impacting your bottom line.

This blog post will discuss how to plan, execute, and manage a regression testing strategy that will help you maximize your ROI.

But what is regression testing, and how does it maximize ROI? Continue reading to find out.

Definition of Regression Testing

Regression testing ensures that program updates do not break the existing code. It’s like looking at a car engine and confirming that all the parts are still in the right place after making any changes.

A jigsaw puzzle with many pieces is also a good regression testing example. Imagine you have finished assembling the puzzle. Then, you try to move any of the parts around. Moving a single part causes the whole thing to fall apart, right? Regression testing helps software developers see how one update affects the entire software. It helps us determine if making any changes will cause it to stop working correctly.

Difference Between Re-testing and Regression Testing

The two terms, re-testing and regression testing, can confuse automation novices. They might sound similar but are entirely different from each other. Re-testing means “test again” for a specific reason. Re-testing occurs when the developer fixes the defect in the source code.

On the other hand, regression testing ensures that any changes do not break existing functionality. It is a type of proactive testing. After adding new features, software companies conduct it to check if the application works as expected.

Types of Regression Testing

Here are the most common types of regression testing services.

Unit Regression Testing

Unit Regression Testing verifies the behavior of individual code units. It allows developers to check how changes to a single part affect the overall system. Unit tests typically focus on small pieces of code, such as functions and classes.

Integration Regression Testing

Integration Regression Testing verifies how well different units integrate. This type of testing allows developers to detect unexpected behaviors in larger pieces of code. Integration regression tests typically involve databases, APIs, or external services.

Corrective regression testing

Corrective testing verifies the correctness of changes made to a system or process. It involves running existing tests after implementing new features or functionalities. Corrective regression testing ensures that the new code has not introduced new bugs.

Functional regression testing

Functional regression testing verifies the features of a system after a software update. Functional tests ensure that any new code does not compromise existing features. It also checks if newly implemented features are operating correctly.

Cross-platform regression testing

Cross-platform regression testing verifies the results of an application across different operating systems. Ensuring that any update will work correctly on all supported platforms is essential.

Progressive regression testing

Progressive regression testing builds on existing tests. It ensures the system’s behavior is consistent after changes and updates. This method ensures that new features are well-tested and integrated with existing ones. It can help detect unexpected issues early on in the development process.

System Regression Testing

System regression testing verifies the effect of changes to a system, such as an upgrade or patch. It involves running initial tests against the new version. System regression tests check for any unexpected behaviors in the system. Testers use automation tools to help speed up the process and reduce errors.

Acceptance Regression Testing

Acceptance regression testing verifies and validates the system’s requirements. Testers compare the users’ expectations to the system’s delivery and document any differences. They perform quickly detect discrepancies in how the system behaves after an update.

Importance of Regression Testing for ROI

Companies perform regression testing to maximize the ROI of any software project. It ensures that any changes made do not inadvertently cause problems. Here’s why regression testing is essential.

It identifies and fixes problems with code quickly.

Debugging code usually requires a massive amount of effort. When you perform regression testing, you can reduce the development cost needed. You can gain control over the completion timescale.

Regression tests ensure that changes do not adversely impact existing features or functionality.

Regression testing helps guard against software malfunctions. It ensures that all changes positively impact the elements of your system.

It prevents costly errors and downtime.

By catching issues before release, software development companies can reduce costly bugs. It saves not just money but also the significant disruption that downtime brings. Reducing technical debt and bugs leaves more space for developing innovative new features. Performing regression testing can increase revenue in the long run.

It allows for faster software development cycles.

With regression testing, any new feature functions correctly. It allows user input/output results to happen effectively. Regression tests frequently run during production. This way, developers can quickly detect any new bugs or errors and debug them before release.

It makes sure the software developers implement updates quickly.

Regression testing allows developers to check if they implemented updates correctly. It ensures that the codebase complies with the expected outcomes. With regression testing, programmers have the power to make iterative changes efficiently. They won’t need to worry if they will break existing functionality.

It increases the rate of return on investment for software projects.

Regression testing ensures software projects stay within budget and time constraints. Investing in this testing procedure can have significant returns. Regression tests prevent costly repairs of faulty software releases. It also improves team morale by increasing satisfaction with the final product. Initial investments may seem significant, but the long-term value will see greater ROI.

Planning for Regression Testing

Software development companies often overlook regression testing. They forget that it plays a vital role in the software development process. Regression testing can help reduce the risk of costly bugs or errors slipping. It can also help speed up development cycles and reduce maintenance costs in the long run. Here are the steps to successful regression testing.

Identify Test Objectives

Identifying the objectives of regression testing before beginning the process is essential. Doing so will help ensure that the testing team conducts all necessary tests and addresses potential issues.

Prioritize Test Cases

The next step is to test case prioritization. This step helps reduce regression testing costs. It focuses on test cases that will benefit the development process.

Create a Test Schedule Of The Regression Testing Process

Having a test schedule will help ensure that software testers perform testing regularly. A program helps ensure that potential issues can be identified and fixed quickly. As a result, it minimizes the impact on ROI.

Allocate Resources

Of course, allocating resources completes the planning process. This step helps determine the amount of time and money they will spend on regression tests. The software development team can use this information to create a comprehensive budget.

Now that you have a solid plan, it is time to execute it.

Execution of Regression Testing

Here are the steps of regression testing execution to ensure a successful test run.

Test Case Selection

In selecting test cases, the testers must decide which regression test suite to focus on based on their objectives. The testing team must carefully choose test cases to cover all scenarios. This way, they can identify and fix potential issues.

Test Environment Setup

In setting up the test environment, the testers perform a series of tasks to set the stage for the actual testing. It includes setting up the necessary hardware and software. You also need to configure any regression testing tools they might need.

Test Data Preparation

Next, the testing team prepares the data. They must ensure that the test data is up-to-date and complete. Configuring necessary testing tools is also part of data preparation.

Test Execution and Recording Results

Finally, it is time to execute the tests. Execution involves running test cases to identify issues impacting ROI. It is essential to record the results of each test to track progress. This way, you can quickly identify any problems that might arise.

Regression Test Automation

Like all software testing types, you can automate regression tests as well.

Regression Test Automation [infographics]

Benefits of Automation

Automating regression testing can provide several benefits.

Improved Accuracy

Automation tools can reduce the chance of human error. They run consistent and repeatable test cases.

Reduced Time

Automation tools help speed up the regression testing process. It allows testers to identify any potential issues they need to address quickly.

Decreased Costs

Automation tools can lower costs associated with manual regression testing. It reduces the time necessary to complete tasks.

Identifying Automation Candidates

Software testers should consider the following factors in regression test suite selection:

Regression test complexity

For testers, it’s paramount to identify the regression test cases they should automate. This assessment requires a comparative evaluation of the complexity level of each test.

  1. Does the process involve a few manual steps or many?
  2. Can any data and results from this step be tracked easily?
  3. Are any external systems or components involved in completing this task?

Thinking through these questions can help in regression test selection.

Regression test frequency

Considering which regression test cases occur frequently eliminates needless manual testing. Ultimately, automating these routine tests allows for more efficiency within the workflow. It conserves time for other tasks. Look at the rigid test cases frequently used when making decisions. Doing so will make automation easier. The developers understand how often specific issues arise in their line of work.

Regression test costs

Testers should evaluate the financial expenditure involved in automation. At the same time, they should check how well the regression test suite provides insights. They must consider the impact automated testing might have on expenses. Suppose a tester recognizes that some tests are taking longer than expected. In that case, automation is worth considering. It fosters feedback as product development proceeds.

Tools and Techniques for Automated Regression Testing

There are several regression testing techniques and tools available for test automation:

Data-Driven Test Frameworks

These frameworks allow developers to write test cases using a data-driven approach. Data-driven frameworks enable developers to create test cases that they can easily modify.

Software Agents

Software agents are programs testers use for complete regression testing. They allow developers to define rules for the testing process, selection, execution, and reporting.

Model-Based Testing

Model-based testing involves creating an abstract model of the system under test (SUT). Software testers then use the model to generate test cases automatically. This testing technique can reduce the effort required to construct test cases manually.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI can automatically generate test cases, execute tests and analyze results. AI algorithms can optimize regression test selection. They can improve coverage and reduce test execution time.

Implementation and Maintenance of Regression Test Automation

Automating regression test cases can be tricky. It requires careful implementation and maintenance to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. So here are some tried and tested regression testing practices. They will help you implement automated regression testing.

Ensure adequate test coverage for the system under test.

Before beginning automated regression tests, it is essential to ensure that all the test cases reflect the complete functionality of the system. Software testers can do this by clearly understanding the expected outputs from each test.

Use the right automation tools to suit the application.

Automation tools vary in complexity. Selecting one appropriate for your application is vital. Some more complex applications may require automation software with more features and capabilities. At the same time, the testers can perform more straightforward tests using basic scripts or macros.

Perform regression testing regularly.

The features and functionality of the system under test change over time. So, the regression test cases must also be up-to-date to reflect these changes. Tests should be regularly reviewed and revised to ensure they are up-to-date and accurate.

Utilize proper coding standards.

Automated test scripts should follow good coding standards. It will help reduce errors and make it easier for others to understand, modify or debug the scripts.

Use parallel execution.

Execute multiple test scripts in parallel on different machines or networks. Doing so will help to accelerate the regression test cycle and reduce bottlenecks.

Monitor test results.

It is crucial to monitor the execution of automated testing. This way, you can identify any failed test cases or errors that may have occurred during testing. Doing so will ensure that you notice issues and address them right away.

Managing Regression Testing

Regression testing management can be time-consuming and tedious. Here are some tips to help manage regression tests.

Defect Management

Ensure that you track any defects discovered during regression for resolution. Prioritize the defects found so that you can assess and fix their impact on the system.

Test Documentation

Keep all related documents updated to ensure everyone knows what they need to do and when. Compile the test cases, test plans, bug reports, requirements documents, and user stories.

Test Automation

Automation is a great way to reduce manual effort and increase efficiency in regression testing. Use automated regression testing tools for repetitive tasks.

Continuous Improvement

Make sure to assess the current regression testing process continually. Also, look for areas of improvement.

  • Improve existing test cases.
  • Add new test cases.
  • Find ways to reduce the time it takes to execute test cases.

How To Perform Regression Testing To Maximize ROI

Regression testing can be costly, both in terms of time and resources. Businesses need to understand how strategic regression testing can maximize ROI.

Here are some of the best regression testing techniques for maximizing ROI.

Formulate an effective test plan to identify and prioritize areas to test.

Your test plan should be rigorous and comprehensive. It should involve objective measurements that help determine areas for improvement. Delve into each product component, from structure down to design. Doing so ensures errors are caught efficiently throughout the development process.

Utilize automation frameworks to reduce manual effort and improve accuracy.

Implementing automation frameworks allows you to handle tasks without wasting time or resources. It frees up valuable research time for productivity.

Adopt a shift-left approach. Integrate tests into the development process as early as possible.

Getting them into the workflow is essential. You must perform regression testing before your development team makes too much progress. With this transformational shift in the processes, developers can see problems quickly. They can troubleshoot any issues as soon as they arise.

Examining the nuances of an upgrade and its effect on the code should be a top priority. Once we have gathered the facts, we can confidently determine which updates need extra validation. Taking this meticulous approach ensures our application will stay at its utmost reliability.

Minimize the amount of redundant or unnecessary tests when possible to reduce execution time and costs.

Remember to eliminate obsolete test cases. That way, you can help optimize any test execution time and cost investment. A few small changes can lead to impressive savings over time!

Execute tests regularly and frequently to ensure you catch bugs early and efficiently.

Keeping your eye on the occurrence of any bugs gives you more efficient gauges for quality assurance. Regular inspections are your first defense against the deterioration of your technical systems. So go ahead and initiate test cases throughout cycles to guarantee lasting success!


Regression testing plays a critical role in ensuring that changes do not break existing functionality. It is a process of evaluating the software after making updates. Regression tests ensure that the updates did not compromise previous functionality.

BIT Studios can take the hassle out of regression testing for you. We have a team of experts who will create a plan, execute it flawlessly and deliver results that help you improve your ROI. Save time trying to figure out how to maximize ROI with regression testing. Let us do it for you quickly and efficiently so that you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Originally published February 21, 2023, updated February 21, 2023

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