Stip Trac Website

Auto Secondary Loan Management (SaaS)

Auto Dealership Management, Tracking & Communication of Stipulations
web & software development
mobile app development
web design
software & qa testing
Portfolio Services 1
The client is a startup in the auto dealer industry that has first-hand experience with the severe challenges of managing and tracking secondary loans.
Portfolio Services 2
Our customer is a startup solving a problem in the auto industry for which there previously was no solution. Auto dealerships had no way of managing the collection creditor required data from secondary loan applicants. They were using Excel or Google sheets and other means but with no efficiency.
Portfolio Services 3
Back-end: Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, Redis, Sidekiq
Front-end:, Bootstrap, SASS, Webpack
Mobile: Ionic, FireBase.
CI/DevOps tools: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Services
QA tools: RSpec, Capybara, Selenium WebDriver
Portfolio Services 4
BIT worked with the client to build a semi-functional prototype of the solution while our client used that to demo and get real user feedback. We then dove into our agile development process and created the mobile apps and portals necessary to support the solution. The end result was a client mobile app, auto dealer management portal, and a super admin portal.
Check Out a Few Project Screens Below
Stip Trac SaaS
Stip Trac Statistics
Stip Trac Website Buyer STIPS
Stip Trac Website Deal Overview
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