Multi State Bar Exam eLearning

SaaS solution to prep for the exam. Algorithmic & Predictive results.
Web & Software Development
UX & UI Design
Software Testing
Mobile App Development
Portfolio Services 1
Adabitar is the number one multi-state bar exam online learning solution available. Their adaptive algorithm helps students prepare for the MBE better and faster than any other solution.
Portfolio Services 2
After years of building Adaptibar, it was time for a major refresh which led to a full rebuild of the Adaptibar system. A complete UX upgrade, the addition of mobile apps, and software optimization was required.
Portfolio Services 3
Back-end: .Net, C#, Microservices, MSSQL, Entity Framework, Swagger
Front-end:, Bootstrap, SASS, Webpack
Portfolio Services 4
We took a design-first approach to work with Adaptibar. UX and prototyping followed by UI design and agile development. The Adaptibar team was instrumental in providing direction. In the end, the product upgrade was everything that was hoped for and provided a foundation for future growth.
Check Out a Few Project Screens Below
ADAPTIBAR Mobile Overview
ADAPTIBAR Support Page
ADAPTIBAR Questions Page
ADAPTIBAR User Dashboard
ADAPTIBAR Sunject Performance
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